Mods for fallout 4 pc
Mods for fallout 4 pc

mods for fallout 4 pc

The publisher has more features coming down the line, likely to be announced once the toolset makes its way to PS4 users. Users can pack in up to 2GB of content, and mods can be installed without altering the player's progress in the official game.īut, as Bethesda said, this is just the beginning for Fallout 4's mod scene. In the same tweet, Bethesda reminded users that mods will be coming to the PS4 edition of the game in June, though a specific date has not been announced.įallout 4's mod tools for Xbox One appear to be nearly as flexible as the game's PC counterpart. "Xbox traffic was 50x the initial #Fallout4 PC mod launch," per Bethesda's official Twitter account.

mods for fallout 4 pc

Less than 72 hours removed, and the results justifiably have the publisher crowing. Earlier this week, Bethesda knocked the wall down by integrating support for mods to the Xbox One version of Fallout 4. For decades, user-created mods have represented a dividing line between PC and console versions of games.

Mods for fallout 4 pc